How far in advance should I order for my event?

I recommend ordering as soon as you know you are going to want custom cookies to be a part of your event. I take a very limited number of custom order each month, and the sooner you ask, the more likely I can say yes! Additionally, custom cookies require a great deal of planning to make sure everything is in place to deliver the best product to you. This can include ordering new cutters, stencils, custom packaging, and/or and design work needed. A minimum of two weeks is requested to avoid a rush fee.

How does the process work?

You can submit a request for an order via the “Get in touch” link on the website. From here you can let me know a little bit about your event, what you are looking for, any design ideas or inspiration. I will typically respond in a few days and let you know if I can take the order. If I have availability, I will provide you with an order/quote with general design plan and all the details of your order. I will also send a link to a custom listing for your order. This will allow you to pay for your order through the website. Order are confirmed once payment is received.

What if my date isn’t available but I have to have these cookies?!

The great news is these cookies freeze beautifully. Another great reason to ask early. If I don’t have your exact date available, I may be able to work it into an available week and can provide them to you to freeze. Freezing instructions will be provided with your order and are also available here on the website.

How do I freeze and thaw my cookies?

Cookies are delivered to you in heat sealed individual packaging. Place them in an airtight container in your freezer. The night before your event, set the container out on your counter. Do not take the lid off! In the morning, the cookies will be thawed and you can take the lid off and serve at your event.

What if I change my mind and need to cancel my order?

As I take so few orders, for each order I confirm, I am turning away many other order. For this reason, all sales are final and refunds are not available. If your event is postponed, you can freeze your cookies until your event. See instructions for freezing above.